Category: Articles

  • Why Nomination is Vital in Life Insurance Policy

    A NOMINEE is the person who has been proposed by the policyholder for receiving the claim amount of the life insurance policy, upon his/her death. It is important that the nominee has an insurable interest in the life of the insured.

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  • Behavioural Finance – How Human Behavioural Biases Affect Investment Decisions (II)

    The human tendency to take extreme measures to avoid loss leads to some behaviours that can inhibit investing success.

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  • Behavioural Finance – How Human Behavioural Biases Affect Investment Decisions (I)

    Human beings are rational and intellectual creatures. We try to act in the most rational manner in a given circumstance, including when it comes to taking investment decisions, yet we clearly know that emotions do affect such decisions. People in the world of investments commonly talk about the role greed and fear play in driving stock markets.

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  • 4 Reasons Why You Must have Life Insurance

    The concept of life insurance is not a new one. However, the purposes it fulfills go a lot beyond providing financial security upon the death of the breadwinner of the family. In addition to securing a person’s future, life insurance also offers various other benefits too.

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  • How to Choose the Best Term Insurance Plan

    Let’s understand the basics of term insurance for the less finance-savvy readers – a term plan is the most basic kind of life insurance wherein if the policyholder dies during the policy period then his family member (nominated person) gets a certain amount (sum assured).

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Recent Weekly Market Update

  • Weekly Market Update – 26 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 19 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 12 July 2024

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