Category: Articles

  • How to Overcome Delays in Claim Settlement

    The moment when a claim on a life insurance policy needs to be made is usually a sensitive one. At such times then, the last of one’s worries should be a delay in the time taken to receive the claim amount. Life insurance usually has 3 types of claims that may be made.

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  • 5 Must-Have Insurance Policies For You

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. Insurance, thus act as a friend who comes to rescue when we need it the most. Risk and uncertainty are part of life great adventure, we can suffer from critical disease at any time, house or car can be destroyed because of any natural calamity or accident, there can be premature death of the earning member in the family etc.

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  • How ULIP Insurance Helps You Grow Your Money

    With the rise in cost and standard of living these days, what is also essential is the provision of finances to support these needs. The concept of providing for these needs through credit cards has become increasingly common in such cases.

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  • The season of receiving gifts – Are you investing or blowing them away?

    Second half of the calendar year is generally a busy season for the families in India. This is the season of festivals and joyousness. People from all religions celebrate their respective festivals with pomp and vigour.

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  • Is Your Life Insurance Enough for Your Family’s Future?

    When planning your finances, you take into account adequate health insurance, motor insurance, investments, and savings for a rainy day. But do you take into account your life insurance premium? The answer, in most cases, would be “Yes!” But the real question is, are you certain that you are optimally insured? Studies have shown that … Continue reading Is Your Life Insurance Enough for Your Family’s Future?

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Recent Weekly Market Update

  • Weekly Market Update – 26 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 19 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 12 July 2024

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