Tag: investment

  • Tax Planning Series II – Tax Planning and Life Insurance

    In our first article in this series (Tax Planning Series I – Deductions under Income Tax Act) we spoke about the various tax rebates you can avail under different sections of the Income Tax Act.

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  • Types of Unit Linked Insurance Plans in India

    Unit Linked Insurance Plans, or ULIPs as they are better known, have emerged as a preferred choice of insurance-cum-savings vehicle for many Indians in the last decade.

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  • Stock Market Series I – 7 Thumb Rules of Investing for Beginners

    We work so hard for our money and accordingly we also want our money to work equally hard for us. The idea behind investing is to put the money to use in such a way that it generates more money for us.

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  • GAAR and Its Implications

    General Anti-avoidance Rule (GAAR) is a concept which generally empowers the Revenue Authorities in a country to deny the tax benefits of transactions or arrangements which do not have any commercial substance or consideration other than achieving the tax benefit.

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  • Term Insurance – An Exclusive Guide

    Insurance as the name suggests provide assurance of payment of fixed sum of money in the event of unexpected loss against payment of some predictable sum of money called as premium.

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Recent Weekly Market Update

  • Weekly Market Update – 19 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 12 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 05 July 2024

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