Category: Articles

  • Tax Planning Series IV – Investment Options for NRIs

    Today Indians are reaching out to every corner of the world and are making their mark in their chosen field of business or profession. They are creating a lot of wealth for themselves and their family members. However,

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  • Tax Planning Series II – Tax Planning and Life Insurance

    In our first article in this series (Tax Planning Series I – Deductions under Income Tax Act) we spoke about the various tax rebates you can avail under different sections of the Income Tax Act.

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  • Tax Planning Series I – Deductions under Income Tax Act

    It’s the last quarter of the financial year and the time has come to turn your attention to tax planning and filing tax returns for the year gone by.

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  • 5 Simple Rules to Maximise Your Savings

    Every year we take some resolution on our birthday or the New Year – like exercising for 1 hour daily, reading a book every month, etc. This year let’s add “save more and invest” in our resolution list.

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  • Planning for Retirement – Myths vs. Reality

    Young folks who are just starting their careers have no big financial responsibilities. They face instead the temptation to spend on partying, shopping, gifts, gadgets and other indulgences.

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Recent Weekly Market Update

  • Weekly Market Update – 26 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 19 July 2024

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  • Weekly Market Update – 12 July 2024

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